Plant IsomiR Atlas

How to Use

We provide several functions to visitors that they can selectively browse, search and download information of isomiRs we prepared. Additionally, visitors are able to interactively carry out statistics based on isomiRs they selected. and also compare their datasets to isomiRs signatures we identified using our implemented BLAST+ server.

1 Datasets

Select species you interested in.
Browse information of searched out datasets and download them.

2 Browse

To browse isomiRs, we provide both Quick Browse and Advanced Browse for users. In Quick Browse, you only have to select the target species and their isomiRs will be displayed. The parameters for Quick Browse are as following:

Mismatch: 0;
Seed Corruptness: FC, Fc, fC, fc
Overlap: 16;
Minimum Length: 18;
Maximum Length: 24;
Depth: 50;
Type: no drift, 3'end addition, 3'end deletion, 5'end addition, 5'end deletion, 5'end addition and 3'end addition, 5'end addition and 3'end deletion, 5'end deletion and 3'end deletion.

To browse isomiRs with advanced filtering, please use our Advanced Browse.

Set parameters for which isomiRs you interested in.
Set parameters for which isomiRs you interested in.
Table is self-explanatory and inforamtion are downloadable.
The statistic analysis results are interactive too. Visitors are allowed to download the results and edit the data.
You can also select off the unwelcome part from the figure.
By clicking isomiR sequence, visitors will be directed to a new page showing the details of the clicked isomiR. For example, AAATCTTGATGATGCTGCAT.


You can also your sequences to align against isomiRs deposited in PIA.
The BLAST results is user-friendly and can be selectively downloaded.