ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.00 Webserver cum Database of Cholorplast and Mitochondrial Microsatellites

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Mono-nucleotide Perfect Repeats of Trochodendron aralioides chloroplast

Click on Table Heading To Sort Results Accordingly
S.No.Genome IDMotifIterationsStartEndTract LengthA%T%G%C% Protein ID
1NC_021426A1721423017100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
2NC_021426A179295931117100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
3NC_021426A12104111042212100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
4NC_021426T134036640378130 %100 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
5NC_021426A15461804619415100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
6NC_021426A12480494806012100 %0 %0 %0 %51134853
7NC_021426A12483134832412100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
8NC_021426T154888048894150 %100 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
9NC_021426T125026250273120 %100 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
10NC_021426A16737687378316100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
11NC_021426T137380573817130 %100 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
12NC_021426A16757177573216100 %0 %0 %0 %51134851
13NC_021426T147688776900140 %100 %0 %0 %51134851
14NC_021426A17832908330617100 %0 %0 %0 %51134851
15NC_021426T138647686488130 %100 %0 %0 %51134851
16NC_021426T168960089615160 %100 %0 %0 %51134851
17NC_021426A1616179616181116100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
18NC_021426A1316492316493513100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding