ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.00 Webserver cum Database of Cholorplast and Mitochondrial Microsatellites

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Mono-nucleotide Imperfect Repeats of Carica papaya mitochondrion

Click on Table Heading To Sort Results Accordingly
S.No.Genome IDMotifIterationsStartEndTract LengthA%T%G%C% Imperfection %Protein ID
1NC_012116G1223122323120 %0 %100 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
2NC_012116T142600426017140 %100 %0 %0 %7 %Non-Coding
3NC_012116A13579525796413100 %0 %0 %0 %7 %25403361
4NC_012116A14603486036114100 %0 %0 %0 %7 %25403361
5NC_012116C128015580166120 %0 %0 %100 %8 %25403361
6NC_012116A1312642712643913100 %0 %0 %0 %7 %34664264
7NC_012116A1315858315859513100 %0 %0 %0 %7 %34664264
8NC_012116G14166366166379140 %0 %100 %0 %7 %34664264
9NC_012116G14179793179806140 %0 %100 %0 %7 %34664264
10NC_012116A1218472818473912100 %0 %0 %0 %8 %34664264
11NC_012116A1219041419042512100 %0 %0 %0 %0 %34664264
12NC_012116A1224199224200312100 %0 %0 %0 %8 %34664264
13NC_012116G12254131254142120 %0 %100 %0 %8 %25403361
14NC_012116T16316637316652160 %100 %0 %0 %6 %25403361
15NC_012116A1535574535575915100 %0 %0 %0 %6 %25403361
16NC_012116A1236591136592212100 %0 %0 %0 %8 %25403361
17NC_012116G12378340378351120 %0 %100 %0 %8 %25403361
18NC_012116T13444155444167130 %100 %0 %0 %7 %Non-Coding
19NC_012116A1345099445100613100 %0 %0 %0 %7 %Non-Coding